350.org's Global Climate Impacts Day: Coastal erosion at Roche's Beach, Tasmania

Post date: May 15, 2012 5:35:57 AM

Saturday 5th May was 350.org's Global Climate Impacts Day to help Connect the Dots between climate change, the increasing frequency of extreme weather events, and the damage already being caused to people and places around the world (www.climatedots.org).


This event was supported by Environment Tasmania, Climate Action Hobart and the Australian Youth Climate Coalition, and Doctors for the Environment and local Greens politicians were there, too.

Coastal erosion following storm surge in July 2011

Evidence of extreme weather on just one house in Bambra St, Roches Beach

Beach erosion following storm surge in July 2011, and a banner marking predicted shoreline by 2050

Banner marking the predicted shoreline by 2050 (same house is in right background)