Fossil Fuel Divestment Forum

Post date: Sep 24, 2013 6:01:24 AM

To Divest or Not to Divest? What can fossil fuel divestment offer our climate, communities and economy?

Everyone’s talking about it. From Obama and Desmond Tutu to the IEA and Lord Stern. Already 16 local governments, 10 religious institutions, 6 universities and 3 major foundations have committed to divest from fossil fuels. Even major pension funds, insurers and banks are coming aboard. But is divestment really the climate game changer it’s being made out to be? As Australia adds its voice to the growing divestment call, we ask, what can divestment really offer our climate, communities and economy?

Speakers include:World leading Sustainability Consultant, Paul Gilding Tas Ethical Financial Advisor, Stuart Barry

RHH Staff Specialist Physician, Frank Nicklason

6 - 7:30pm, Wednesday 18th September

Lecture Theatre 2, Medical Sciences Precinct (Cnr Liverpool and Campbell Sts) Hobart.